Thursday, June 2

The war has begun

I feel that I am a gracious host. I will try to tend to your comfort for as long as you are in my home.
That is, if you are invited.
Intruders beware for I will attack you mercilessly!
Especially if you look like this:

So, to back it up a bit, I came home from work last night to a million invaders marching from my back door, down the hallway, around the kitchen and to the bag of soda cans I was putting off taking outside. Needless to say, I took the damn bag outside!
Thank God for Amdro Fire Ant Bait.

I put a pile of granules near where they were coming inside and in a matter of minutes the pile was covered in a blanket of ants. There were so many that I had to put down a few more piles! After all, I didn't want to deprive any of them of their last meal!

Fast forward to this morning. There was only about a tenth as many ants and many ant corpses littered the battlefield. The live ones weren't moving too quickly either.
I would say that THIS war has a clear cut winner. I will be confirming this tonight when I begin exterminating any remaining survivors.
Once again, THANK YOU AMDRO!!!!

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